Michelle McGlade is back with another solo episode! You might get a couple of these over the next few weeks. Michelle shares her story with fibromyalgia and how she was able to overcome her health diagnosis. The main cause of it? Michelle’s tendency to overwork and not put herself first. When she started to focus on herself, her symptoms slowly began to fade away.


Key Takeaways

Michelle is happy to be hanging with you again on this solo episode! Every time Michelle is able to slow things down and dial things back, she comes back stronger in self-confidence. It can be that simple! But it’s so difficult to put into practice. When you’re strong inside of you, you can lead yourself more fully. It seemed to Michelle that overwork was the only way to really succeed. Overworking held Michelle back. By the time Michelle went to university, she was already struggling with ‘doing all the things.’ It was showing up in Michelle’s health and she ended up becoming very, very sick. She couldn’t function and she was having seizures. How did she get out of it? Fibromyalgia is a life sentence and there’s no path out of it. But Michelle prevailed! Michelle had to focus on herself first. Stop underpaying yourself and pay yourself first. Michelle shares an example of overwork and how it shows up with us in a sneaky way. Do you feel like you can’t stop? When you take a step back, you can take several steps forward. Breathe! Take a conscious, deep breath.




“When you’re strong inside of you first, you can then step into the next level of leadership for others.”


“While it appeared as if, pushing, pushing, and pushing, and using that mechanism of overwork, was serving me. Looking back now, it was holding me back.”


“Mechanism of overwork, mechanism of holding in the emotions, and mechanism of putting myself last. These are the elements I can see now.”