Michelle Tenzyk advises and coaches CEOs and senior-level executives to create company cultures that attract and retain critical talent at all levels. Michelle shares something so important in today’s episode — Tell your story and speak your truth. It’s going to be difficult; there will be many people who judge you online, but the more of us that share our story, the easier it will be to bring those walls down!


Key Takeaways

● The ability to live in the moment helps manage the constant uncertainty around us. ● For most of us, life tends to be more certain. We have routines and there’s a sense of comfort happening. ● How can women better manage this feeling of ‘everything is out of control’? ● Look at your feet. Where are your feet right now? This helps bring Michelle back to the present. ● What you’re experiencing right now is temporary. It will get better. There will be an ending. ● Put your oxygen mask on first! Really! Do it! ● Leaders are not worried about their people, but about themselves and their family. There’s a lot going on. ● People are now seeing the inside of your homes and it’s opened up for more connection because people can ask about the pictures, etc, that are in your background! Embrace this connection. ● We need to break the walls down! ● Michelle talks about how online criticism really affected her and how she was able to manage through that. ● When Michelle’s story went viral, she was ready for everything that would get thrown at her because she had done the work. ● Sharing your story gives people hope! By telling our story one at a time, the walls will come down. ● There will be judgments made against you. Michelle can’t tell you that the path will be rosy.   Resources Easttenthgroup.com Michelle on LinkedIn Brené Brown   Quotes   Michelle’s quote: “It’s really an honor to be able to create meaningful conversations with powerful women that exude compassion, thoughtfulness, and truth.”   “Look at my feet. Where are my feet right now? I’m planted right here, right now. To help me bring me back to the moment.”   “The situation I’m in right now is temporary. They will be another side to this. Most of the time I don't know how long temporary is.”   “In the corporate and the business world, we need to hear stories like this. We need to know we’re not alone. We need to know there’s hope.”