Perhaps one of the most challenging stories you will hear on this podcast. Elizabeth Frazier tells us her story of being trafficked by her parents from the age of 4 until she was an adult. 

So much about Elizabeth's story will be shocking and heartbreaking. But what may surprise you the most is that Elizabeth was from a neighborhood just like yours, from a family just like yours and led a life that on the outside probably looked a lot like yours. Sex trafficking and pornography are two of the fastest growing plagues in our world today. And they aren't relegated to the seedy edges of another country, state or even city. What can we do about it. Elizabeth's advice is for us to all just be that safe place for somebody. Be that person that offers a smile and hope and light. 

The best part of this story is Elizabeth herself. Although she endured over 20 years of abuse at the hands of her parents, she has gone on to have a happy marriage, beautiful children, and a successful career. Her organization @hero_bands provides inspiration to people all over the world and uses its success to support other organizations that fight trafficking and porn. Elizabeth is an inspiration and proof that you can overcome trauma, you are in charge of your future and you can create beauty out of the ugliest of situations. 


@elasespas |
@nimanow |