Desange Kuenihira is the epitome of strength. At the age of two, she and her siblings fled from the Congo to become refugees in a new country. Life in the refugee camp was challenging. For seven years they lived as outcasts, struggling to find work, food and adequate housing. Finally, she and her siblings were chosen to be relocated to America. After arriving in Utah, life took on a whole new set of challenges. Desange was separated from her siblings and placed in a foster home, with a new language, a new culture and a new set of religious expectations. Although many times, we think that "coming to America" is the final victory of all those who fight to get here, it truly is the beginning of a whole new set of obstacles to take on. Some that are even more daunting than life in a refugee camp. Desange found her way in America. She found family and community and is now thriving as a student at the University of Utah. She has decided to take her life experience of feeling like a "worthless girl" and turn it into inspiration for other young women that are having similar experiences. Her Speak Undefeated foundation, and her public speaking, help her spread her new message that you are worthy, you are strong and you are able to determine your own destiny. 


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