Goal setting feels so 'new yearsish'… and while this episode is coming to you a few months into the new year, I think now is a great time to talk about it.

Maybe you’re like me… you set one really big goal every single year. People told me to set a good goal, better goal, and best goal. So I did. Year after year.

Most times I felt like it was a crazy number I was pulling out of thin air that barely made any sense. I knew it was the goal but I honestly couldn’t really see the finish line. I couldn’t see how to get there.

Until I learned more about setting quarterly goals. Now I know what you are likely thinking, “take my 2023 goal and divide it into 4 for the four quarters of the year”. 

I wanted to share with you a better way. Setting goals this way helped blow up my business in 2022.

This way will be more attainable and help you to feel accomplishments all along the way.

You might want to grab a pen and paper. If you’re listening in. We will also post this in the show notes here.

In the past 8+ years Kristin has transformed from a teacher to a six figure online course creator. With over 1700 course sales, she has used her 10 years of teaching experience and Masters in Education to help transform coaches, content creators, and online service providers into effective online course creators so they can can get their time back without sacrificing the results their clients get. She is the host of The Effective Course Creator program and the creator of The Magic Course Map.

Connect with Kristin:

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