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Today's conversation is with Stephanie Zito.

I suppose you could say that Stephanie accidentally stumbled into a career that found her living in several countries for long periods of time doing humanitarian work. And even though it wasn’t something she planned, she created this amazing life of living abroad and, as she says, wandering for good.

She has spent a good part of her life “in motion” until relatively recently when she finally settled down in Portland to do the humanitarian work that she’s been doing for years while living in other countries.

In this conversation, we talk about her early travels and how it started with a study abroad program in London and then grew to travel through Europe and beyond and included another study abroad program in China.

She went on to live and work in Thailand and, just when she thought she would come home to the US to settle down, the 2004 tsunami happened in Indonesia. She knew she had to do something to help and was immediately pulled back into her humanitarian work which brought her to Sudan.

What was supposed to be a multi-year contract there was cut short after six months when the car she was driving in in Kenya got hijacked and she was held and assaulted.

She escaped that harrowing event, took time to recover and then eventually went back to Africa to climb Kilimanjaro.

Stephanie now continues working on humanitarian projects and supplements that work with some pretty cool writing gigs that help other people to travel.

I know you'll enjoy this conversation with Stephanie Zito.


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Links/books/people mentioned
Chris Guillebeau
Side Hustle by Chris Guillebeau (Amazon)
Side Hustle Podcast
Color Cloud Hammocks
Go Girl Guides (Amazon)
World Domination Summit
Cassandra Overby (on She's Bold Podcast)

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