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Today’s conversation is with Radha Agrawal.

Radha is…well, Radha is a pretty freaking amazing young woman.

She’s probably best known for having founded Daybreaker, an early morning dance party that’s currently in 25 cities and has a half a million people in the community. Basically, about once a month Daybreaker takes place in each of these 25 cities. These consist of a one-hour yoga session, if you so choose, that’s followed by two hours of dance. All this takes place early enough in the morning that you can participate and then go to work.

Think of it like a very scaled down, early morning version of Burning Man where 300 – 600 people get jiggy with it. Where there might be a theme, people might come in costume and basically they’re just completely letting loose before they head to their jobs.

I suggest that while you’re listening to this episode, maybe you can just pop over to the Daybreaker website and see if the city nearest you is on their list. And if, not there’s probably a way you can contact them and request (or even start one yourself) for the city nearest you.

Anyway, what grew out of Daybreaker is Radha’s new book, Belong: Find Your People, Create Community, and Live a More Connected Life.

That kinda says it all.

As you’ll hear in our conversation today, she said she was getting asked a few times a week how she was able to build her Daybreaker community, so she wrote the book in response to this question that kept coming up. But she didn’t just write a book, in my opinion, she created a piece of beautiful art. Seriously, it’s one of, if not THE most beautifully designed books I’ve every come across. And it was her handiwork as you’ll hear in this conversation. She’s the one that actually designed it.

Even though we call ourselves connected (and by that I mean through technology), we have become a very disconnected culture and world. With Daybreaker, Radha has addressed this current epidemic of us being so disconnected from one another. What’s she done is not only built a community but, through Belong (her book) she’s created a road map for us all to build our own communities.

As you hear on all the conversations here on the Be Bold Podcast, there’s much more to a person’s story than what they are currently working on. With Radha, you’ll hear in our conversation about her life story that takes her from Canada, to school in upstate NY to work in the finance world in the Big Apple to “travel” documentaries to vegetables to underwear and, finally, to community building.

With that, enjoy this conversation with Radha Agrawal!


By the way...I’d love to hear your feedback! Send me a note at [email protected] and let me know what you think. You can also leave voice feedback or ask a question by calling 877-280-5170. I’d love to grow our community by featuring you and your questions on future episodes.


Connect with Radha:
Website (Daybreaker) | Instagram | Facebook

Links/books/people mentioned
Belong: Find Your People, Create Community & Live a More Connected Life by Radha Agrawal (Amazon)
The Western Front (documentary on YouTube)

Connect with me:
Be Bold Facebook Group (women-only)


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