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Mandy Ford is an illustrator, hand-letterer, and pattern designer at This Girl's Doodles. Mandy lives in Indiana with her husband and twin boys. She is a dual professional who balances her day job in higher education and her own business as an artist. She is a lover of coffee, clouds, creativity, and seeing the silver lining in every situation.

We loved getting to chat with Mandy! We especially love getting to chat with women who are dual professionals because we loving getting to see that you don't have to choose one job over the other if you don't want to!

As we do each week we dive right in and ask Mandy what success means to her!

"Being the best person I can everyday...everything else I do just branches off from that, my day job, my art, how I parent, my children, my marriage and my friendships."

Mandy shares with us how she got back into drawing.  She hadn't really picked up a pencil to draw in almost 20 years after she had a teacher who was too critical.  A writing class she took at the college she works at lead her back to drawing.  She was feeling stuck in her day job and the class was just the outlet she needed.

She also shares with us that her day job has created a lot of opportunities for her art career.  She has learned many computer programs for her 8-5 job that also helps her with her art.  Mandy would consider herself a life long learner and credits her willingness to learn new things as part of why she is able to run her art business. If she needs to learn a new program or process she is willing and able to learn!

We love that Mandy uses her gift of drawing to encourage people!

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