As we’re about to get into 2021, I got to thinking about everything that's happened this year - in the world, in my own life at home, and in my business.

This year proves that we never know what’s going to happen, we can’t foresee the future and we never know what kind of obstacles or challenges we’re going to have to face. But as Viktor Frankl says, what we do have control over is how we choose to respond.

Even in the most frustrating or challenging situations, we always have the freedom to step back and choose a response that’s going to help empower us and give us the best outcome possible.

And amidst all of the scary stuff, so much good has come about this year:

- We finished renovation on the office and started working in there with the team, which has been amazing.

- So many exciting things have happened in FEA; new opportunities have come up and we've welcomed some amazing new members to the team and the Members' Club.

- And of course, Miss Marlie arrived in this world! ♥

So whatever comes in 2021, I have to remind myself to keep an eye on what I do have in life, and how much I have to be grateful for.

And remember, "Everything you have in life can be taken from you except one thing, your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation." Have an amazing New Year, I can't wait to see you in 2021 :)

Carrie xx