If you work a full time job and you’ve been dreaming of starting and growing a side business doing something you love - this episode is for you!

I’m joined by the amazing Luisa Zhou, creator of the Employee To Entrepreneur program, where she teaches people how to turn their expertise into a successful business. 

When she had a 9-5 job, it took Luisa just 4 months to make $100,000 in her side business!

But her journey wasn’t easy or straightforward. In fact she had to try loads of ideas before she landed on the right one. 

In this episode we chat about:

Her journey from electrical engineering (working on the Space Station!), to corporate and finally to becoming an entrepreneur.  The ideas she tried to replace her corporate income.  How she made $100,000 in 4 month (once she found the right side-hustle idea!). The main tool she used to find her first clients.  Her top tips to help you start your own successful side-hustle.

Luisa is also the creator of an amazing masterclass in our Members’ Club called Captivate With Content. If you’d love to be the first one to know when enrollment for the Members’ Club opens up again, https://mc.femaleentrepreneurassociation.com/fea/waitlist/

Connect with Luisa on Instagram: @Luisa.zhou

Get Luisa’s guide on building your own six figure coaching business: www.luisazhou.com/gift