Do you feel like you’re doing a lot of sales activities?

You’re in sales convos, you’re making great content and you’re getting leads from it....

...But it feels like while they’re inspired by you, they’re passing you by when it comes to actually working together.

They say things like: I’m just not sure….that sounds like something I already know…or something another coach or expert told me…or now’s just not the right time…or I don’t know that this is my next best step…lemme think about it.

You’re getting some momentum..but you’re not signing clients.

If that's you, THIS training is for you!

I'll share something that is soooo foundational to success in sales. 

But it's a concept that is rarely talked about - and when it is, it's not fleshed out in a way that is actually usable.

If you’re ready to 5x your sales... 
If you’re excited to know EXACTLY what to say in your sales conversations…
If you are excited to discover this powerful sales secret, get your pen and paper ready!

I’m revealing a framework to use that will unlock sooo many more YESes for you on sales calls. While removing the doubt and uncertainty in the minds and hearts of your prospective clients.


Ready to make your first $100K? Join the Joyful 6 Figures Accelerator to curate, market & sell an irresistible higher-ticket offer, as you become a faith-fueled CEO!


Is 2024 the year you scale from 6 to 7 figures? Join the Joyful Scaling Mastermind and master Advanced Marketing, Selling & Operations strategies to 2x your profit, while reducing your workweek by 20%


>> Submit your business-growth questions to [email protected]; you may WIN a ‘hot seat’ with Judy to be heard on the Joyful Business Podcast


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