When life is collapsing in on you, yet your personal and professional lives are intertwined, how do you persevere? After 17 years of working together, Arwen and her husband made the decision to sell half of their business and she was going to work for someone else. Arwen saw the sale as an opportunity to lift a huge financial burden off her shoulders, but the impact on their lives, their kids, and their employees was simply too much for her to bear. At the last possible minute, she backed out of the sale, since she believed that decision would end their marriage.

This decision to not quit, led Arwen to her first ever panic attack in September 2016, because she didn’t know how to return to a company and life she believed was irreparably broken. This was just the start to the hardest two years of her life.

Today, Arwen is sharing the story of how she found freedom in living her authentic life amidst the pain and turmoil that choice seemed to cause. How Arwen and her husband transitioned their company and roles, worked through their financial devastation, saved their marriage and came out on the other side of these challenges with a flourishing business and a dream life, even in the midst of the COVID pandemic. Arwen wants to help you learn from her prideful mistakes and heartbreak. To help usher in your breakthrough -- one that is only found on the other side of not quitting.

Overcomer Playlist Recommendation

The Greatest Showman Cast - This Is Me

Pearls of Wisdom

How changing our business model affected our marriage and relationship - and what we did to avoid what could have been a messy and expensive divorce. Why recovery is possible after you hit bottom - and how outside guidance can save your life. When you are weak your boundaries become compromised and you become vulnerable. It's okay to want to quit, just don’t. Your breakthrough is right around the corner. The importance of staying committed to your commitments.

Get The Book!

She Handled It, So Can You!: An Inspiring and Empowering Financial Guide for Women

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