Dr. Sarah chats about perinatal anxiety with Dr. Phillippa Houghton, a board certified family physician with specialized training in perinatal mental health. 

They review common anxiety disorders in pregnancy including signs and symptoms, risks and benefits of treating and not treating perinatal anxiety. 

Resources mentioned in the show include: 

Fetch.ca (Below is the south island version, but if you google Fetch.ca + your community it will give you your local link) http://south-island.fetchbc.ca/   Coping With Anxiety During Pregnancy and After Birth http://www.bcmhsus.ca/Documents/coping-with-anxiety-during-pregnancy-and-following-the-birth.pdf   Dr Alexandra Sacks TED talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOsX_HnJtHU&fbclid=IwAR3-FFPFqzrmk1yl_Ea9fZYK8t80bFxoZrCy0YZyclomYdzO3jyvsZRQuTA   Books: What No One Tells You - Dr. Alexandra Sacks The Pregnancy and Postpartum Anxiety Workbook Post Partum Support International Virtual Support Meetings Pacific Post Partum Support Society http://postpartum.org/