It's officially a Season 3 Finale! 2022 we are running our own race, we are paving more into our best selves, and will continue to strive to achieve our own goals, dreams and vision.  As we wrap up this final season episode, I share with you all 5 key ways to "Run your own race," entering 2022. Tap in and Happy Holidays & Happy New Year Unfiltered Babes! 

Be sure to keep up with us via social media, Season 4 will return March 2022, until then let's continue to live our best unfiltered selves, and keep up with the unfiltered community on IG at and on my youtube channel: Cisca Beauty

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If you're feeling generous, feel free to support your girl boss and buy me coffee, in other words, donate to the podcast! The link is in the original podcast bio.

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