Episode #47: Thank you so much for listening to another episode of SHE DID IT. I appreciate each and every one of you!  

Today I thought that I’d do a get to know me, so I'll be answering some of your questions from Instagram and emails! I never did "formal" get to know me episode, or like a launch episode, so this is another way for you to learn about me on a deeper level! I've obviously introduced myself. I've shared a lot of personal information, but I want to take the time answer your questions! Thank you so much to everyone for all of your questions. I appreciate you taking the time to write to me. When I was going through your questions, I noticed that a lot of them were about my personal life and others were great questions that you can apply to your own life. If I don’t answer your specific question today, it’s because I’m saving it for another episode so with that being said, I hope you find this very valuable and let’s dive in!

WHAT YOU'LL HEAR ( questions I'm answering )

Marlena: What is the toughest part of having a podcast?
Kate: How long have you and Pedro been together and what is your biggest argument?
Julie: When did you start getting specific with your routines?
Leonne: How did you get comfortable going outside of your comfort zone?
Sarah: When did you overcome your eating disorder?
Kimberly: Do you have any siblings?
Maria: How did you respond to bullies and how long were you bullied for?
Keira: Thanks Sydney for your podcast. You've really inspired me to work on my daily routines and take more time for me whenever I can. I'm still in college, but started a graphic design business and am really struggling with putting myself out there. I want to market myself through videos and get involved in my community, but my anxiety gets the best of me. How do I force myself to do these things with my anxiety?

If you enjoyed this episode and found it valuable, please let me know and leave a review :) I would be so grateful! Thank you again for listening!

FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/sydneynanberg

READ THE BLOG: www.sydneynanberg.com