Episode #53: Networking is CRUCIAL to building relationships, gaining trust and growing! Whether that is internally or for business purposes. But, here's the thing... Networking isn't always easy! But, luckily, I'm joined by the EXPERT, Lauren Marsicano! She is not only a networking expert, but also an attorney who will be sharing her journey, networking tips AND the important steps to take when growing a business. We are talking all about networking like a boss and how to build your queendom or kingdom! 

Thank you all so much for listening to another episode of the SHE DID IT podcast! I truly appreciate all of you. If you found this episode valuable, please leave a review! I would be so grateful :) 


You and I discussed entrepreneurship over the phone and you were telling me about your passion for becoming an attorney and the reaction of the people around you. Can you talk about that a bit?
What were people like when you told them about your vision?
How do you react to negative opinions when it comes to going after what you want?
How did you know what you wanted to create Networking Maverick?
When did you realize there was a need for that?
What obstacles did you face along the way?
How did you overcome obstacles in business?
What advice would you give to someone who is introverted or just having a hard time getting themselves out there to network? 
How do they get out of their comfort zone and are there other ways to network?
How can we find balance in life and work?
As an attorney and business owner, what is one piece of advice that you would give to someone who wants to start their own journey?
What are the 3 most important things you need in place to protect yourself from a legal standpoint?


To Pre-Order "7 Steps to Startup", email [email protected]
To join the Queendom, follow @NetworkingMaverick on Instagram
To learn more about Networking Maverick and get the insider scoop with the Maverick Monthly newsletter, go to www.NetworkingMaverick.com
If you're ready to protect that Queendom and discuss legal services, email me at [email protected] or visit www.MLesquire.com to learn more.


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Thank you again for listening!