Episode #91: How many times have you let fear stop you in your tracks? It's natural. It's normal. We have all done it at one point or another! But, how do we push through fear and keep moving forward no matter what comes our way?

Today, we are going to be getting deep into the root of fear with the expert herself, Judi Holler! Judi is the author of, "Fear Is My Homeboy," and a keynote speaker! Her story is powerful. She has battled through fear, faced obstacles and has never let anything stop her! Judi's energy is contagious and you are going to love her. Judi is all about using fear to motivate you, and get you to the next level in life. I can’t wait for you to hear her story, advice and practical tips that you can implement starting today. Get ready for a powerful episode and let’s dive in!


Does being "fearless" exist?
Where does fear stem from?
When did Judi become fearless?
How do you overcome obstacles in life when you are faced with fear?
How to let fear MOTIVATE you.
How can we use fear to our advantage?
How to shift how you look at fear.
The benefits of challenging yourself.
The book, Fear Is My Homeboy.

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Website: http://judiholler.com/

Purchase The Book: https://www.amazon.com/Fear-My-Homeboy-Doubt-Succeed/dp/1626346267/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1550499445&sr=8-1&keywords=fear+is+my+homeboy

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/judiholler/