How did you get serious about changing destructive behaviors? Who believed in you first? When did your intention match your actions and mindset?

Hey there guys! Amanda Googsly is our go-to girl today! Amanda is the owner of a coaching practice, Aligned Success, and just launched her own podcast 5 weeks ago. Amanda focuses on helping driven, and high achieving leaders create success in their health, career, and life. She started her practice only 5 months ago, after resigning from running the Portland region of Orange Theory Fitness. When she left her position, her franchises were pulling 20 million dollars in revenue a year! But her calling to help people was greater, and she knew her story would inspire others to push through their storms and believe there was a light at the end of the tunnel.

Her journey began back in 2010. She was submerged in the world of fitness, studying exercise science at Washington State University, running her own fitness studio, and competing in bodybuilding competitions. Unfortunately, that summer she got her knee caught on a wave runner, and tore a ligament in her knee, and a main artery in her leg. She had to have an emergency vascular surgery to save her leg and spent two months in the hospital. During those two months, she dealt with complete muscle atrophy, causing her leg to turn into mush. The following 6 months, she was confined to a wheelchair and walker and gained 30 pounds in those months alone.  

She said she felt like her life and identity had been taken away from her, and started making poor life decisions in the coming 18 months. She found herself in an abusive relationship and began using and selling ecstasy in the Portland nightlife scene. She said she no longer could recognize the person she had become, and knew if she didn’t change she would end up dead or in prison. So she piled everything she could in her car and took off to Phoenix. She didn’t have a job, place to live or a plan. She just knew she had to create a different environment than the one she was in. 

When she got to Phoenix, she said it was easier for her to make a living selling drugs, and it took her about four months  to actually change her habits. She said the gumption to make a change came to her as she was doing a video blog. She said the day of the accident, was the day she stopped loving herself, and that is why she dove so deeply into sex, drugs, and destructive behaviors. She had to find her passion again, and knew helping people change their lives through fitness was where she found the most purpose and joy. 

She applied for a job at Orange Theory Fitness, and through that got a mentor who gave her a book on leadership. He taught her to recognize the resilience and grit that it took for her to overcome her obstacles, and see the potential she would have as a leader if she worked on her confidence. His belief in her gave her the final nudge she needed to transform herself mentally, and she started excelling at work, and getting raises! 

She said once she got her personal development into alignment, everything from her finances to her lifestyle was improving, and was addicted to succeeding. By 2014, she was traveling the country trying to open more franchises as a consultant for Orange Theory Fitness. In 2015, she became VP of two new franchises in Utah, and oversaw over 2 million dollars in revenue each year. By that fall, she was ready for something with more opportunity and responsibility, and decided to move back to Portland to open a franchise, and help other franchisees open their own  studios, too. 

Before she tackled that development process, she took a month leave to travel to Bali. She said she got a different level of clarity about where she wanted to go, and remembered her desire to coach people full time. She wanted to coach in 2014, but felt she wasn’t ready, even though she knew that was where her heart was. She said she was passionate about fitness, but realized that it was not her entire purpose in this world, and wanted to help people work through their pain in other aspects of their life. 

Through her business she has helped clients like burnt out executives and entrepreneurs create more efficient systems in their lives and careers so they have a moment to breath. Not only that, she helps them figure out whether the success they’ve been chasing is their true purpose, and how to begin to reroute their path, and achieve their career and personal dream!

Listen in and hear how she got the courage to leave Orange Theory Fitness, created her coaching practice, and grew as a leader and a person!

In this episode you will…

Find the motivation to change destructive habits

Get your personal development in alignment

Use your pain to help others through theirs

Learn how to run million dollar businesses

Figure out your best method of learning

Learn to invest in yourself


“I kind of became addicted to seeing myself perform at a higher level, and seeing the rewards that came from it. I was just improving in so many facets. My lifestyle was improving, my finances were improving. It was what I call the domino affect of I got my personal development into alignment. That was the thing I needed most in my life.” -Amanda Goolsby

“I really got a different level clarity about what I wanted…I thought, I did not go through all of that that I went through to then not give back and help humanity through that…I did not go through that [in] vain.” -Amanda Goolsby

“If you’re going to invest in something, you should invest in yourself because it multiplies…invest 10% of everything you make into yourself…I’ve seen the payoff already, if I stay the process, and keep going, this will pay off in the end.” -Amanda Goolsby

“What aligned success is all about is you can achieve success…but does it feel good in your life, or are you putting your ladder up the wrong building, climbing all the way to the top, and then realizing it’s not really where they want to be.” -Amanda Goolsby

“I believe energy is more important than intelligence, and if you don’t have a full, vibrant energy everyday, how are you going to accomplish any of your dreams at the level that is possible for you.” -Amanda Goolsby


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