How do you allow success to flow to you? Do you start the day claiming positivity? Are you in control of your happiness?

We get to hear Amanda's take on these questions today as the roles are flipped and she becomes the interviewee! On this episode, Amanda is interviewed by Catherine Grace O’Connell and Kathy Kaehler of LA Talk Radio’s, Cat & Kaehler. During their talk, she shares with listeners her entrepreneurial story, and the mental journey she went on along the way! 

As SDIHW listeners know, Amanda left corporate America around 2012, and began working as an independent contractor in large corporations. Her role focused on sales training and development, as well as teaching sales marketing. It wasn’t until 2015 that she started SDIHW, because she saw a lack of the female perspective in the entrepreneurial world, and decided to start a podcast to share her experiences.

Originally starting as a hobby, SDIHW has since evolved into on offline support system of women in charge of their dreams; all eager to offer their help and advice to others trying to navigate the rough waters of entrepreneurship. This network was strengthened with the first in-person She Did it Her Way Summit this past October. At the Summit, SDIHW listeners were able to meet with female entrepreneurs across the country and learn from them, network, and build a community that will support them along their new career paths. 

This passion to bring people together has been a dream of Amanda’s since she was a little kid. She remembers wanting to be an actress or a singer, playing store with the neighbor kids using monopoly money, and running a lemonade stand when she was younger. She said she always imagined a career where she worked with people, and  felt a need to service them through resource and community building. She felt a strong desire to be her own boss and understood from an early age what entrepreneurship meant, and was eager to jump on the bandwagon.

But first, she had some mental reconfiguration to do. After she graduated college, like every graduate, she was bombarded with student loans. She said for five years, she used that as the reason she couldn’t save money to start her business and become financially stable. Her debt became a cloud over her energy; and with her frequency lowered, repressed childhood emotions, and other mental roadblocks regarding money and self-worth began to arise. 

After being in a stuck and negative place for a while, she decided to stop being a victim, and take control of her life. She looked at the philosophy of Tony Robbins and Wayne Dyer and reframed how she looked at stressors. She took them as a learning experience so she could allow infinite abundance and positivity to enter her reality, and unload years of emotional baggage. She said she began to look at the negatives in her life in a more empowering light, like being thankful that she was able to go to graduate from college and have the money to pay off student loans herself. By changing her mindset, and allowing herself to be vulnerable through emotional coaching, she was able to vibrate at a higher energy frequency, and let success and fulfillment come to her!

Hear how she figured out where she wanted to channel her motivation and determination, released herself from a negative mindset, and began to actively pursue her passions!

In this episode you will…

Learn to remove the roadblocks in your mind to achieve success

Get rid of a victim mentality

Change how you look at the  stressors in your life

Start your day with affirmations

Avoid getting caught up in social media comparisons

Take control of your happiness and success


“We choose our reality, and we can`t be a victim of our circumstances, and that wherever we are is because we choose it…once we can recognize that we are actually subconsciously choosing to be where we are, that’s when we can start to move forward…and get to that abundance.” -Amanda Boleyn

“Everything that we do, and the energy that we put behind our actions will dramatically dictate the outcome of what we get…that shift of going from a victim to realizing we’re still in control of our circumstances, that takes work…it’s a constant choice in every situation to choose to be empowered.” -Amanda Boleyn

“When I find myself in this stuck mindset, I ask myself how can I change the perspective or way I’m looking at? Or what can I ask myself to shift this paradigm in my mind, because if we are all truly of our own reality, we can create whatever we want.” -Amanda Boleyn


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