Ready to build your online presence? If the answer is YES! Then you first need a domain. Your domain acts like your telephone number but for the web, it is how people find and contact you. Step number 1 is securing your domain. We recommend Hover. Hover makes finding a domain simple and easy to do. They provide a clean user interface so that you can drop the tech and overwhelm and get up and running in no time. Not to mention their customer service is best in class. Thank you to Hover for supporting the She Did It Her Way podcast. To check out Hover and secure your business website domain, head to to receive 10% off your first domain. Again that is to receive 10% off your first domain. 

In today's episode I'm sharing some of my most important morning and evening rituals to help me stay focused and energized throughout the entire day. 

We will dive into:

Why it is important to really set yourself up for success with an evening ritual so that your mornings go wellWhy you should make as many decisions ahead of time in the evening to help avoid decision fatigue in the morningHow to avoid the heaviness in the mornings and always feeling like you're "behind"Practical steps to get started with your new morning and evening rituals. 

To learn more and access free trainings, head to