"The biggest thing is to start from where you are with what you've got. Do it in perfectly and have fun along the way."

Meet the undisputed authority in mentoring entrepreneurs and business strategist, Kelly Roach! She transforms overworked entrepreneurs into seven-figure CEOs by teaching them how to leverage timeless business principles, employed by billion-dollar corporations, with the most powerful online marketing speed and agility strategies of today.

Kelly is also the creator of the Live Launch Method; a simplicity meets strategy approach to making millions online through launches that consistently generate six-figure results.

Kelly spent years in corporate America before she started her own business. During her time in corporate, Kelly led a team of over 100 to record-breaking sales, rising through the ranks of a Fortune 500 to become the youngest VP in the company.

In this episode, you will…

Learn why you should take action, and get started now!

Get insights on things to consider before taking the ultimate leap

Have a mindset shift that you don't need to leave your job to make your business successful

Be ready to grow first before you can grow your business

Discover the importance of being consistent

Build a brand reputation and stick to your offer and become known for what you do

Find out about Kelly's Live Launch™



"I built my business to where I was making more in the business than I was in my corporate job. And so again, mindset shift for everyone that thinks that they have to, like walk away from their job, and then go build the business or that the business won't be successful unless you quit the job. That's completely a mindset."

"I think that's a huge mistake that entrepreneurs make is that they're like stretching and reaching."

"Who were you before you know what you know, now, find those people go teach them what you now know, go help them get the results that you're getting now"

