Be ready to be blown away by our guest today, Miss Angie Lee! She hosts The Angie Lee Show and her event Pays to be Brave. She began her "ideas" in her dorm room 9 years ago which turned into a wellness brand that helped thousands of women today.

In this episode, you will...

Get to know Angie's background before entrepreneurship
What was her vision before everything else
How she overcomes people saying she can't do it
Her tips and advice for starting entrepreneurship
The challenges she faced and how she overcame them
and so so much more!


"Just because it's uncomfortable it doesn't mean stop."

"Once you have trust with your audience you can sell them whatever because you had built the trust."

"When you allow yourself to have that luxury you're actually more motivated to make money and more motivated to help people because you filled your own cup. You can't deprive yourself and expect to get to where you want to be, I'm not into that."


Angie Lee
Pays To Be Brave
My Soul CBD