Hello my beautiful friends!

Today’s episode is all about how to create self-discipline and drive within yourself. Self-discipline is a byproduct of knowing your why and knowing what needs to happen in order to accomplish your goals whether they are business or personal.

Know your three:

What does your compelling future look like? What are your goals (This is your WHAT)
Know your WHY. (This is where your drive and inspiration come from)
Reinforce with self-discipline (This is your HOW)

In this episode you will:

Learn why you must have a compelling future that relates to your


-Know your WHY behind your compelling future and goals

-How to reinforce your goals with self-discipline

-Learn how and why your thoughts create the reality you are living


-Understand the importance of not setting goals because you believe

they will make you happy

-Learn what a growth mindset vs fixed mindset is

And more!


“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” - Wayne Dyer

“If you leave your growth to randomness you’ll always live in the land of mediocrity.” - Brendon Burchard


“Think and Grow Rich” - Napoleon Hill

Brooke Castillo - The Life Coach School