In today’s episode, I’m going to unpack how your brain may be holding you back from taking action and achieving your goals and dreams. 

Maybe you want to start a business but can’t seem to get yourself to take that first step.

Maybe you’ve started your business but working on going full-time.

Maybe you’ve made your ultimate leap and you’re full-time.

No matter where you’re at in building your business there will be times when there’s something you want to achieve but can't quite get yourself into action and you’re holding yourself back. This isn’t a YOU thing, this is a mindset shift thing.

First, you have a primitive brain and it likes to keep you safe. Because it likes to keep you safe, it likes to repeat the past because that is what it knows best. If you’ve ever tried to change a habit, good or bad, you probably find it challenging. The reason is that your brain loves safety and comfort. That’s why it is important to create a culture in your life and business that is centered around getting comfortable with discomfort. Once you know this, it will be easier to navigate your thoughts and actions to move through the discomfort because you will realize that it is your brain and not you. The brain is wired for survival so anything that your brain senses as ‘danger’, or in this case ‘new’, it freaks out.

The reason why we hold ourselves back is usually stemmed from fear and that fear could be driven by multiple things such as fear of what others will think of us, fear of failure, fear of loss, fear of the unknown, fear of making a mistake, etc.

Here I want you to name what you’re afraid of. Resist the urge to say “I don’t know why I’m holding myself back.” I’ve shared in previous episodes that when your brain hears “I don’t know why…” it won’t come up with an answer. So instead, ask yourself, “But if I did know, why am I holding myself back?” Next is to unpack your fear and get as specific as possible about what is causing your fear. Naming, whether it is your fear or emotions, is extremely important in bringing the awareness you need in order to unpack what is happening in your brain so you can think different thoughts and take intentional action to produce the result you want. 



“If you’ve ever tried to change a habit, good or bad, you probably find it challenging. The reason is that your brain loves safety and comfort.”

“So many dreams and goals are not realized because we hold ourselves back.“

“Naming, whether it is your fear or emotions is extremely important in bringing the awareness you need in order to unpack what is happening in your brain so you can think different thoughts so that you take intentional action to produce the result you want.”

“Our thoughts create an emotion, that leads to an action (or inaction) and produces a result.”

“I can do hard things.”



The Life Coach School podcast by Brooke Castillo

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill