Hello, hello! Today I’m sharing how I organize my life and business, including finances. I heard someone else do this on a podcast and thought it was a great way to share a ‘behind-the-scenes’ look and give you some ideas on how you could implement some of these strategies in your own life. 

My love language is organization; I’m very much a Capricorn in that sense. I’ve been known to help friends clean out and organize their closets. In fact, when I was in junior high, I had a friend who was pretty messy and every time I’d go over to her place, I’d want to clean and organize her bedroom and closet...because I get that much enjoyment out of it. 

My husband and I will find ourselves on a weekend cleaning out our place and organizing our personal life including making sure all our accounts are up to date and going through our insurances to make sure they’re on autodraft. My physical space is extremely important to me. If it is a mess, it is harder for me to focus. So it is really important for me to make sure that it is easy to keep a clean space. I very much live by the rule, everything has its place. Whether it is a set of car keys, digital photos, important documents, you name it. Because when everything has its place, it becomes easier to find. Inside the membership program, Elevate University we’re focusing on how to be scalable from the start, including organizing our digital life, from email, Google drive, Asana, and more. 


Insights:“My physical space is extremely important to me. If it is a mess, it is harder for me to focus.”“I very much live by the rule, everything has its place.”“We both needed a little bit more accountability, and visibility, into our own spending.”“To establish our monthly allowance amount we first needed to build a budget that would allow us to exactly see what was coming in, what was going out, as well as seeing our savings goals and previous spending habits.”


Resources:Google Drive/ Sheets/ CalendarAsanaLess Is NowSplitwiseMonarchStressed Out to Streamlined Training