Sounds like a wild bonus episode, I know, but roll with me here girls!

It can't come as a surprise to you all that preparing for tax returns, filing for self assessment and good old bookkeeping and accounting, are a continuous source of angst for so many of the female founders that I chat to, when I ask them to reveal the biggest challenges that they battle with as business owners behind the scenes. Be it that we're unsure of where to file certain expenses (because, let's face it, there's a whole lot of accounting categories to choose from nowadays), we struggle to keep on top of filing our receipts in general, or - like me - you aren't from an accounting background so find finance jargon to be somewhat puzzling; making sense of our business accounts isn't the most glamorous job that we all have to conquer as business owners but it is a job that, let's face it, can't be ignored.

Especially when the self-assessment tax return deadline is fast approaching on 31st January and you are sat there, putting off filing yours for the first time... *cue the sweats*

With that in mind, given that there's only a fortnight to go before the self-assessment deadline is due (and I know how stressed I was about the whole process this time last year when I sat down to file mine for the first time) along with the fact that so many of you have listed 'financial freedom' as a goal for 2020, I thought it was about time that I recorded a special episode of the She can. She did. podcast, to provide some clarity on all things tax returns and bookkeeping for you all.  

'What does Fi know about tax returns?!' I hear you ask...

Truth be told, only the basics if I'm being honest! However (and it's a big however!) if you’ve been following She can. She did. for a while now, you’ll know that Xero aka. the accounting software app cherished by so many business owners worldwide, myself included – has been sponsoring She can. She did. since October 2018. They were the first company to take a chance on little old me and this business of mine because they instantly recognised what She can. She did. stood for and is trying to achieve and for that, not only am I eternally grateful to them but I’m also going to be (unapologetically) raving about how helpful their accountancy software is for business owners like you and me, henceforth wherever I go... or at least, to any female founder who mentions that bookkeeping/ accounting/ managing their finances, preparing their tax return etc.. is their biggest headache, because quite simply, Xero has been a game changer for me!

Last Monday morning therefore, I paid a visit to Xero HQ, to sit down for a chat with the wonderful Becca Smith who heads up all of the end-user education at Xero worldwide, to chat about how we can all prepare for the upcoming tax deadline (that is, if you haven’t done so already) and reduce any anxiety that we might hold when it comes to the topic of dealing with HMRC and filing your self-assessment. We also natter about how we can all better manage our bookkeeping throughout the year and why a simple change in mindset when it comes to the topic of accounts can empower us all and help us to really understand our business. Naturally, how Xero can help with all of the above does crop up too but I couldn’t help but bring it up because I genuinely swear by it!

I really hope you find it useful (and not as humdrum as the title might suggest!)

She can. She did. is hosted by me, Fiona Grayson (hello!) and is sponsored by

For a free one-month trial on Xero followed by 50% off for the next six months, please feel free to use the code, 'SCSD50' going forward!

The good old social handles should you fancy a further peek!

She can. She did. @shecanshedid

Xero @xero

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.