I remember when the email from today’s guest came through. The subject line read, ‘Duchess of Cambridge wears British made lifejacket by brother-sister start up’ and being the hardcore royalist and fan of 'The Crown' that I am (who also happens to always find it interesting when siblings/ family in general go into business with one another because as much as I love my older sister, I don't know if we'd work well as Co-Founders!), it didn’t take long for me to respond and get this chat scheduled in the diary ASAP!

Not only does Lauren reveal how her role has evolved over the past six years as TeamO Marine has grown on an international scale, she also provides some really insightful advice on how to best approach a crowdfunding campaign given that she along with her brother went on to successfully raise £270,000 in the Spring of 2018; plus why they opted to move all production of the lifejackets from China to Southampton thereafter. We discuss their experiences patenting Oscar’s design early on and why they’re unwaveringly confident now when standing up to any sceptical comments from their (much larger, more established) competition. There's also some good old chat about what she’s learnt from being on the other side of the interview process when hiring a team and her advice on how best to remain rational instead of taking things personally when you’re the boss! 

I find it so fascinating when I speak to Founders further down the line than me because it always gets me so excited about the opportunities (and challenges..!) that arise when you persevere and this chat with Lauren was no different. Her clear vision and purpose-led ambition for her brand is infectious and I have a feeling each and everyone of us will be able to learn a lot from her story!  

She can. She did. is hosted by Fiona Grayson and is sponsored by xero.com

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The good old social handles should you fancy a further peek!

She can. She did. @shecanshedid

TeamO Marine @teamomarine

Xero @xero


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