"Bridging the generation gap not only increases the friend pool, but it also expands and supports mental well-being."
- Anna Kudak.

Hello and welcome to Day 12 of our wisdom series. Today we talk about Older Friends. If you are like most people, you met your friends while you were in school. This means that they are very close to your age. Most people, as a result, view friendship with older people differently. During my 41 years of life, I have come to realize that friendship with older people helped broaden perspective. Older friends not only have a lot of wisdom to share, but their maturity mentally is also a stepping stone for you. This type of friendship may require more effort and understanding but the benefits are profound. Why should I cultivate such friendships you ask?
1. Some of their self-confidence will rub off. Older people are less afraid of the opinions of others so they are more likely to say what they think.
2. They can guide you and show you the way. They have already done many things we struggle with in our personal lives, work, etc.
3. They can teach you very important life lessons. The wise counsel from my nursing days has helped me become the person I am today. The words "Just start" not only applied to my real estate business venture, but they apply to everything I do or want to do. They taught me to get out of my comfort zone and make a change in my life.

You might not have the same fashion sense or enjoy the same movies but it's a good opportunity to broaden your horizons and find friends who have the same interests as you. You will be shocked to find out we are not so different after all.

Have older friends, Stay Wise and see you tomorrow for more wisdom.