“No matter where you’re from, your dreams are valid.”—Lupita Nyong’o.

Hello and welcome to Day 13 of our wisdom series. Today we talk about dreaming big. I have always been a dreamer, not just a dreamer, but a big dreamer. There are plenty of dreamers out there. And while society might work to dismiss some of us as pure noise, there are great benefits to dreaming often and dreaming big.

If you’re a dreamer like me, then you must never give up on your dream. My dream was to study in the UK and even though my mother could not afford to pay my tuition I never stopped dreaming. What did I do instead? I dreamt big. I moved from being a girl with only $5 in her pocket to being a successful entrepreneur who runs a multi-million dollar business. I am not bragging here but I am showing you that your dreams are valid and they can become true. Dreaming involves holding tight to a vision of a better life, one of success and abundance. While getting there might be difficult, having to deal with setbacks and failures along the way, it’s surely well worth it. Anyone who’s achieved a big goal knows just how true that statement is, I do.

Yet, although some of us might like to dream, we all dream differently. We don’t always hold tight to those dreams, knowing that we can and will do anything in our power to make them a reality.

The truth of the matter is that many of us give up on our dreams.

We throw in that towel when the going gets tough. We give up rather than persist through the torture and pain of another failure.

But being a dreamer isn’t about giving up. Dreaming often and dreaming big provides us with a platform for growth and success.



And if your dreams don’t scare you, then they’re not big enough.

The only thing holding you back from achieving them is yourself. We can be our own worst enemies in so many instances, especially when we don’t believe wholeheartedly in ourselves. So, as you start your weekend, ponder on this lesson. What does it take to make your dream come true? You! Pursue your dreams and most importantly, have a vision. 

Stay Motivated, Fight for your Dream, Have a Vision and Stay Wise. 


“No matter where you’re from, your dreams are valid.”—Lupita Nyong’o.

Hello and welcome to Day 13 of our wisdom series. Today we talk about dreaming big. I have always been a dreamer, not just a dreamer, but a big dreamer. There are plenty of dreamers out there. And while society might work to dismiss some of us as pure noise, there are great benefits to dreaming often and dreaming big.

If you’re a dreamer like me, then you must never give up on your dream. My dream was to study in the UK and even though my mother could not afford to pay my tuition I never stopped dreaming. What did I do instead? I dreamt big. I moved from being a girl with only $5 in her pocket to being a successful entrepreneur who runs a multi-million dollar business. I am not bragging here but I am showing you that your dreams are valid and they can become true. Dreaming involves holding tight to a vision of a better life, one of success and abundance. While getting there might be difficult, having to deal with setbacks and failures along the way, it’s surely well worth it. Anyone who’s achieved a big goal knows just how true that statement is, I do.

Yet, although some of us might like to dream, we all dream differently. We don’t always hold tight to those dreams, knowing that we can and will do anything in our power to make them a reality.

The truth of the matter is that many of us give up on our dreams.

We throw in that towel when the going gets tough. We give up rather than persist through the torture and pain of another failure.

But being a dreamer isn’t about giving up. Dreaming often and dreaming big provides us with a platform for growth and success.



And if your dreams don’t scare you, then they’re not big enough.

The only thing holding you back from achieving them is yourself. We can be our own worst enemies in so many instances, especially when we don’t believe wholeheartedly in ourselves. So, as you start your weekend, ponder on this lesson. What does it take to make your dream come true? You! Pursue your dreams and most importantly, have a vision. 

Stay Motivated, Fight for your Dream, Have a Vision and Stay Wise.