Melody DiCroce is a launch strategist and founder of The Launch Library, where she helps ambitious females simplify their launches while getting more sales and better results for their students and clients. 

She's worked with entrepreneurs like Selena Soo and Ramit Sethi on dozens of launches and loves introducing strategies from those multi-million dollar launches to course creators, coaches, and service providers so they can have wildly successful launches while having the space and capacity to create and live the life of their dreams.  

In 2012, Melody sold her Nashville home and all her belongings and ditched her traditional 9-5 to travel on a sailboat for 10 years. She now lives with her husband in Loreto, Mexico, a small coastal town on the Sea of Cortez.



“I don't claim to know it all. It's an ever evolving thing. But the fear is real…there's so many points of failure in a launch, that people get stuck, and they end up not launching, or they delay their launches. And so that's what I'm trying to help people overcome that fear, because the only way you're going to learn is by doing it.”

“I tell people to follow affiliate launches, because you'll learn so many lessons…if you’re afraid to launch yourself, do an affiliate, watch or follow someone else’s launch” 

“Where most people get stuck when it really boils down to it is the mindset behind it all. We're afraid to look unprofessional, or we're afraid to make a mistake….so I try to be a cheerleader for people and help them know it's okay to make a mistake.”

“it's a really big mindset shift, to put yourself out there and put a product out there.”

“…And sometimes that's all it takes, is just to say ‘Okay, now we have a starting point. Let's go from there.’”

 “Your life is an experiment. Business is an experiment. So don't be afraid to make mistakes.. That's the only way we learn.”


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⭐ Connect on Instagram @thelaunchlibrary


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