How do young professionals step into leadership roles when they feel insecure or unqualified? How do you gracefully transition between careers and feel confident while doing so? In today’s episode I sit down with Katie Huey and we discuss how to position yourself in your work and evaluate what career feels right for you.

Katie generously shares with us about the different jobs that she has had and what she has discovered about herself along the way. We talk about the importance of pivoting in your work and asking the tough questions of whether you are in the position you need to be in or if it’s time to move on. Katie does a great job of laying out for us how to tactfully pivot and shift in our work environment and why it’s not a bad thing sometimes to jump ship.

We hope that today’s episode encourages you wherever you are at in your professional journey to feel more comfortable in seasons of change and that you can lead wherever you are at. Connect with us on social and let us know about your own career pivots and what you think about today’s conversation!

Questions asked:

What did you learn as you pivoted between so many jobs?

How does your self reflection process work?

What is it like to transition into a family business?

What are the key things that those entering the workforce need to hear?

Topics covered:

How to pivot between jobs.

Knowing when to stay at a job and when to leave.

Handling working in family business.

Books Mentioned in Episode:

Ripple: A Field Manual for Leadership That Works - Chris Hutchinson

Big Magic - Elizabeth Gilbert

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