To kick off Season 2, the First Episode is a beautiful and insightful conversation with a woman by the name of Natasha Ritz.  She is the co-founder of ARNAonline alongside her sister Arianne. They founded ARNA mid 2019 with the mission to empower women to make bold decisions.  Her background has been in marketing and retail for many years, working for brands like LUSH, supporting teams to create sustainable growth in businesses. She works for brands that really look to create a social and environmental impact and not just to make a profit.

Her current campaign is called Bold Moves and is focused on changing the stories we see and tell about ourselves as women. It’s about owning our own narrative and taking risks on ourselves to make a bold move.  The idea is to be accountable and make a pledge to yourself about a Bold move you will make in 2020.  The core focus is to push women’s voices and stories forward and to help the closing of the gender pay gap and the 208 years until parity that we’re currently looking at in Australia. It’s to challenge us women to also have these tough conversations with ourselves and to begin being supportive of each other rather than compete or put each other down.

Continuing on with the discussion of sharing, we delve into the whole idea of what it really is all about, from a cultural, social and planetary aspect.  How come different cultures share differently on a daily basis in terms of living?  What sets us apart from the cultures that have this as their normal way of life?

And how does the interconnectedness of everything on life come together?  From sustainable business practices and product delivery lines, to communal living and sharing "the load" and all the way to what is taught in the school system to the next generation.  It is a diverse range of points that fall under the central idea "One Planet, One Health".

I hope you love this episode and uncover some things, as I did, that you never would have thought of, had this not been something you listened too.  If you do love it, please tell me, through a review or subscribe, and as always, please continue sharing this podcast so we can keep having these intentional, deep and somewhat controversial discussions.

Thank you to Natasha who has extended to you, for listening a 15% off discount from her online store: - Just head there and use the discount code ShareAbode to get this discount in checkout.

Head over and support her BOLD MOVES campaign and stay up to date with what she is doing through the following links: