Amanda together with her daughter Emerson is the owner of Scented Purpose. A small business with a big heart.  Their "Our Own Kind" Project is their plan to spread kindness and a personal plan for Amanda to show her daughter, Emerson the power of following her joy, keeping her big heart open and that sparkle in her eyes bright.

They are proud supporters of The Kids with Cancer Foundation, $1 from the sale of each candle is donated and through their Campaign of Kindness they are proud to align with like-minded individuals in business. Those working with absolute passion and a purpose to light others up through doing what they love.  It truly is a small business with a BIG heart and this podcast covers everything from lessons learnt of working in business with her young daughter, to how Amanda has changed from before MUM to becoming MUM and how she reimagined this journey with her daughter, they business and supporting others in theirs.

Amanda offers a generous 25% discount to all listeners of this podcast, simply enter the code OUROWNKIND into checkout on her website which is:

You can follow her, her daughter and their wonderfully generous business through the following socials: