In this episode we chat with Rachel Hamlen who is the head of FairVine Super, a womens superannuation fund.  This particular episode blew my mind a bit when it comes to the nitty gritty of our financial future as older women, especially single mums and specifically with our superannuation.

Did you know that women over 55 are the fastest growing group go homelessness Australians and 40% of single women will retire into poverty.  Women typically retire with around half the super assets of men and Rachel tells us why and educates us on the ways to actually help yourself to not be one of these statistics through simple super contributions and ensuring your hose the right superannuation fund.

FairVine super itself is one of a kind when it comes to a super fund.  They have some amazing benefits other super funds don't have because they are focused on empowering women to empower themselves and their financial future.  

This is a must for all women to listen to who want to learn how to change their future financially, without doing much at all.  Its changed my perspective on super and my future, long after the kids have grown up and moved out and I guarantee it will do the same for you too.  And if you wait till the end you will have a wonderfully generous offer, never before given, which I am personally taking up the offer on.

Go check FairVine Super out through the below links: