In this episode I chat to the gorgeous Danielle Reed and like most mothers juggling a lot of balls; full time work, motherhood, a social life, friendships, social media and passion projects she aims to keep it real about the ups and downs of her world through her Instagram page and her blog.  She has gained a loyal following because of her honesty and transparency and beautiful way she conveys this through the written word. 
She has a focus on helping others and has recently started a podcast to share some amazing stories featuring topics we simply don’t talk about enough in the aim to provide the resounding theme that you are not alone.

Together, we chat about all things single parenting and her ups and downs with it, her personal discoveries and what she learnt from her daughter along the way.  We talk about blending families with her fiancé and how her growing belly with number 2 has changed the dynamics of her life and her parenting journey.  Dannii has reimagined her life and parenting twice and through her delightful conversation skills she conveys some poignant messages and words of wisdom that any mum, single or not could learn some great value from.

You can check her out and her channels below:

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Website -
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