Previous Episode: Liz Johnson - Composer

We help Companies to grow Sales by making Sales and Marketing more effective. I do this by finding overlooked sales and marketing opportunities and customising the sales and marketing processes. We have worked with Microsoft, BT, Cimbali, Sport England, Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Dubai Oasis Authority & 1,000’s of small businesses. We have assisted clients to increase sales by over £100m+ in sales through my training, mentoring, speaking & ‘done for you’ marketing services.

I am a Coach and adviser and I focus on helping my clients to 10X their businesses. I improve a company’s revenue by improving their sales and marketing strategies.

We work with anyone from a single entrepreneur to multi-million pound companies helping to increase sales through customisation of sales and marketing approaches and training processes. The Steve Mills Results Club is one of the most popular online sales and marketing training associations for small businesses – The Results Programme is our cornerstone programme aimed at helping businesses to 10X their business –

When I am not working I can be found keeping fit on the tennis court, or at the gym, playing golf (very badly), following my beloved Sheffield Wednesday, or walking along the beach in my new home in Southsea.