Her Innovative Communicator courses help to transform feelings of dread and drudgery of work into optimism and enthusiasm, so that workers at all levels start each day filled with joy. ​From the boardroom to the frontline, her no-nonsense approach means she is not afraid to roll up her sleeves and get stuck in! For businesses to succeed the employees within them need to deliver the mission and direction that is set in the boardroom. Communication is key to galvanise, inspire and bring employees together to achieve this mission.

Miti has broad experience, including 20 years working with FTSE 100 companies. She has seen communication at its best and its worst. As a result, she understands the value of effective communication and the direct impact it has on a company’s bottom line. Indeed, Miti is one of the most sought-after and respected communicators in the industry. Her five star reviewed book, ​The Innovative Communicator: Putting the soul back into business communication​, has had a real influence on the business community.

In her own words: “​Great communication means great business these days. Bad communication is bad business all days!​”

Miti spent her childhood in both the UK and Ghana and is extremely proud to have dual nationality. As a young adult, she lived in many different countries. These early experiences sparked a lifelong love of travel and desire to get to know people and amass friends wherever she goes. This worldwide experience has helped Miti in improving business communication on an international scale.

Aged 40, Miti trained as an actor, but ultimately decided not to pursue it as a career. Although, her love of the arts still very much impacts her life today as it refreshes her mind, and sparks new ideas. She uses this training and influence in her work, which you can see in her presenting style and love of a good story.

Another love - broadcast communication - saw Miti pursue a career in television, where she worked for the BBC, ITV and Channel 4, first as a journalist and then as a producer and director of documentaries. Later, she went on to lead communication and change programmes for a number of global corporations including household names such as Aviva and Lloyds Banking Group.

Website: miticom.co.uk Email: [email protected]

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/mitiampoma

Twitter: twitter.com/MitiAmpoma

Facebook: facebook.com/miti.ampoma

Friday Challenge: #mitifridaychallenge

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