Are you tired of pouring time and money into marketing efforts that just don’t connect with your audience? Have you been told to simply “tell a good story” but still aren’t seeing the sales boost you were hoping for? It’s time to discover the power of strategic storytelling.

Our next featured small business advisor is Michael de Groot, the Chief Storyteller at Staying Alive UK. As Dutchman born living in the UK and born to an Anglo-Indian mother, he has quite the story to tell himself as he starts off by revealing his journey from the textile industry to video production.

In this episode, Michael shares tips to:

Uncover the vital role of an enthralling business story in attracting and retaining customers,

Tap into emotional connections for authentic, captivating stories that audiences will love, and

Create impactful marketing videos that zero in on customer concerns and drive engagement.

He also walks us through his 13-step process for crafting a perfect business story. It involves several essential elements such as understanding your clients’ needs, identifying emotional drivers, and selecting an appropriate narrative structure. The process enables you to create a customized, memorable, and impactful story that resonates with existing customers and converts leads into new customers.

Discover the art of storytelling and why you should avoid advertisements if you want to make meaningful connections with your customers!



Why Is Storytelling So Important?: download Michael’s free e-book.

The Hero’s Journey: a book by Joseph Campbell.


Staying Alive UK: the main website of Michael’s company.

Michael’s Storytelling Online Workshop Replay: an online workshop that will give you the foundation for bringing your business story alive in everything you create online and offline.

Storytelling on LinkedIn: Michael’s online course, available on Udemy.

Connect with Michael: access a full, curated list of other resources from Michael, including his social media profiles, bio, and his special interests in pickleball and taiko drumming!

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