The School for Fathers Podcast disrupts the idea that once we’re a father, life stays the same. Join entrepreneur and mother of 10, Danusia Malina-Derben as she interviews working fathers about how they’re answering the question: How can I be a father and still be me? She hears from celebrities, well-known authors, heavyweight entrepreneurs, global activists, career powerhouses, influencers, & leading experts. Expect vulnerable conversation and insights that blow fresh air into what we know about men as working fathers.

In today’s episode, she chats with Michael de Groot, Chief Storyteller at Staying Alive UK, podcast host and stepfather of two. His professional quest is to enable small business owners to become better storytellers and share engaging stories about themselves and their businesses. He does this through his own small business where he produces impactful cartoons and animation campaigns, engaging audiences and giving them a unique insight into an organisation’s story and value proposition. The story at the core of this episode called LEAPS is the one in which Michael became a stepfather and we are lucky to be taken through a tour of his stepdad story blueprint.

He bravely shows his story of growth and also challenges listeners to embrace the rollercoaster of fatherhood with mindfulness, radical honesty and a big dose of humour.

Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!

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