Harry help’s women who are struggling with their weight loss develop the skills and healthy habits to finally achieve the body of their dreams, but more importantly, gain extra confidence, happiness and fulfilment in their lives. His tailored online program helps his clients drop up to 2 stone over a 12-week period, but more importantly sets them up for a future healthy lifestyle instead of just being a quick-fix. ‘Shredding For My Wedding’ is an online community and online coaching group that helps brides lose up to 2 dress sizes before their wedding day.

Website: shreddingformywedding.com

Instagram: instagram.com/harrysnell and instagram.com/shredding4yourwedding

Facebook: facebook.com/hsnell1

Facebook page: facebook.com/Shredding-For-My-Wedding-1155991131262151

Shredding for my Wedding Group: facebook.com/groups/135740540293629

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/harry-snell

YouTube: youtube.com/user/fadetoblack22