David Chametzky who is also known as "Uncle Dave" is a highly authentic person who wears his heart on his sleeve because he has a special passion for empowering and serving people who are looking to level up and improve themselves in many ways. In life we go through a process which Uncle Dave trademarked called CLUBERTY™. Its a process where we learn to grow constantly by not only looking back at our obstacles in the past but learning how to avoid future obstacles. I'm just like you - just a regular guy who has at times struggled in all phases of my life but found the proper resources and techniques to find resiliency and growth to not go backwards but forward. Dave shares from personal experience and techniques what has worked for him and thousands of others - success through hard work and dedication will help in your ability to overcome your challenges.

As a motivational speaker,  Dave's  stories of rising from life's challenges and overcoming obstacles by finding your P.A.T.H and finding the ability to rise from the ashes of those challenges that have been placed in our path. Through hard work, and perseverance as well as the unique and charismatic way he communicates will inspire any audience to find Peace, Love and understand where we need to Bring a Bat by finding our non negotiables and creating personal boundaries to be our most authentic self.

With years of experience in both his personal life as well as years in the corporate world, Dave has shown he has the determination and knowledge to level up and become a successful mentor.  He has helped change lives of all those who have come across his path on the journey and those who join in the journey become like family of this tribe/clan.  Through the journey he has faced challenges, learned from those challenges, gained valuable teachings and learned to create the best path for him through resiliency. 

Website: https://www.davidchametzky.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-chametzky-a933b32
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/davidchametzky
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/david.chametzky
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@davidchametzky
Book: https://www.davidchametzky.com/latest-book
Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/3OdpZFF52CxanGkjLVaS0f?si=fe21ba8ae8da46fa