As I look back on the early days of Loud Proud American, the decision to soak in the New England Tattoo Expo as visitors, not vendors, stands out as a pivotal moment in our brand's story. It's these reflections on growth through adversity that shape our latest chat, where we peel back the layers of making tough choices when life throws us curveballs. From confronting perfectionism to the anticipation of our next big event at Mohegan, join me as we explore the essence of timing, preparedness, and the courage to step up when it truly counts.

"Brianna West's 'The Mountain Is You' stirred something deep within me, prompting an examination of my role in my own complaints and grievances. Let's unpack together the powerful 'make peace or make change' concept and how it can revolutionize your outlook on life’s annoyances. It’s about digging into the root causes of our discontent, like trust issues or a hunger for recognition, and deciding whether to make peace with them or forge a path towards change. This episode is packed with personal anecdotes and insights, aiming to embolden you to confront your history and choose self-awareness over self-pity.

Wrapping up, we're not just talking about breaking through your own upper limits; we're living it out loud. Pushing beyond self-imposed barriers to embrace the American dream, we discuss the metaphorical crabs in the bucket—those who may not cheer your growth—and how to navigate the resistance from our comfortable old lives. It’s a candid look at the sacrifices and triumphs of personal transformation. So, tune in for a heartfelt conversation sprinkled with humor and gratitude, and remember, we're all in this together, striving for change that lifts us all higher.

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