There has been a lot written about voice search but one of the most well thought out points-of-view we have read is Ian Lurie's article, "Beware: Voice Search Isn't That Exciting."

We highly recommend reading Lurie's work before listening to this episode where we touch on his thoughts and more:

"genuine" vs "non-genuine" voice searchesvoice search vs voice commandwhat makes a good candidate for a voice search?what is not a good candidate for a voice search?voice search's future in your day-to-day lifewhat future version of voice search could disrupt traditional searching?

The best we advice we have for marketers is think hard before you implement a 'voice search first' strategy. There are still a lot of queries where a screen is a better place to sort through results then listening to an answer. 

Reach out to us with any ideas, questions or feedback on the podcast!

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✉️ [email protected]