Jon and Nicole talk about how they define the different types of chatbots and the massive changes that may be ahead as chatbots become even more prevalent. 

Chatbots as a whole new realm of conversion rate optimization (CRO)Are forms dead?Chatbot design and how it mirrors landing page optimization in many waysCould chatbots complete replace websites for many businesses?

We encourage everyone to get out there and experiment with a chatbot. We can personally vouch for these two platforms for launching your chatbot:

Drift - The "new way businesses buy from businesses". Great for booking meetings with new prospects and sparking conversations with prospects visiting your site.

Landbot - Great way to easily launch a chatbot with low risk. What we love about Landbot is the visual bot builder and options to implement your bot as a sidebar chat, embedded widget or take over the whole page with the bot experience.

Nicole came prepped with research for this episode. Here are the articles and research she referenced:

"The Sudden Death of the Website" - Techcrunch
"Gartner Top Strategic Predictions for 2018 and Beyond" - Gartner
"8 Changes Chatbots Will Bring to the Workplace" - CMS Wire

The best we advice we have is get out there and start experimenting because chatbots are becoming a larger piece of converting prospects to customers.

If you don't have a chatbot strategy yet, you need to think hard about why.

Reach out to us with any ideas, questions or feedback on the podcast!

✉️ [email protected]
✉️ [email protected]