In this episode, Tony and Stewart discuss the topic of mass extinctions and their impact on life on Earth. They bring up the current belief that the planet is going through a sixth mass extinction and emphasize the importance of understanding the severity of such an event. A 50% extinction event is far easier to recover from than a 90% event, and past extinctions have provided insights into how life has recovered in the past.


The hosts also touch on the idea of interconnectedness in nature and how the loss of one species can lead to the extinction of others that depend on it. They question how many species are interconnected and how predicting extinctions can be difficult without knowledge of the background.


The conversation turns to the human brain and its role in survival. Tony and Stew discuss how complicated the brain is and how it may not necessarily be an advantage for survival. Life on Earth is complex and predicting and understanding extinction events is even more challenging. Tune in for top insights!


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