Tony is joined by Noah Giesel, an expert in digital badges, as we explore their origin, significance, and future prospects. We begin by unraveling the concept of digital badges and how they have emerged as powerful tools for storytelling and recognition. Noah takes us through the second decade of the digital badge space, sharing intriguing insights and the origins of micro-credentials.


Collaboration and critical thinking take center stage as we discuss the vital role they play in the digital badge ecosystem. We ponder whether digital badges offer more than just symbols of achievement and investigate ongoing efforts to enhance their value. Rich skill descriptors emerge as crucial in conveying expertise, and Noah emphasizes the importance of being detail-oriented, particularly for entrepreneurs and business owners.


Our conversation takes a fascinating turn as we explore the excitement surrounding digital badges and their increasing popularity across various industries. We delve into the realm of hiring and corporate careers, where credentials hold significant weight. Noah also provides practical guidance on how to get started with digital badges, the structure of badges, and the evolving landscape of credentialing.


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