Today’s podcast is about 10 Things That Will Not Change About Social Media in 2010.  There have been 1000’s of bloggers who have put fingers to keyboard and pounded out their predictions for social media in 2010. While there’s many predictions about future technology advancements, new demographics and debatable Twitter growth there are many things […]

The post Podcast: 10 Things That Will Not Change About Social Media in 2010 appeared first on Shane Gibson's Podcast – Social Selling – B2B Sales and Influence.

Today’s podcast is about 10 Things That Will Not Change About Social Media in 2010.  There have been 1000’s of bloggers who have put fingers to keyboard and pounded out their predictions for social media in 2010. While there’s many predictions about future technology advancements, new demographics and debatable Twitter growth there are many things that are not going to change. So here is a summary of my thoughts that are on the podcast:

10 Things That Will Not Change About Social Media in 2010

It’s about the conversation
It belongs to everyone
It can’t be controlled only lead
It works best integrated
It doesn’t fit in the marketing ROI box
It’s an investment
It’s never been about the tools but those who wield them
It’s not going away, it’s not a fad
Experimenting with your clients money is a bad idea
Success belongs to the storytellers

The post Podcast: 10 Things That Will Not Change About Social Media in 2010 appeared first on Shane Gibson's Podcast – Social Selling – B2B Sales and Influence.