Today’s podcast (direct download here) focuses on the difference between building an online persona or brand versus building you the person/organization. Too many people have a veneer they present to the world. Once we scratch the surface when we interact with that brand or that person we can be disappointed. There are also brilliant people […]

The post Persona versus People – Getting real in marketing and in life appeared first on Shane Gibson's Podcast – Social Selling – B2B Sales and Influence.

Today’s podcast (direct download here) focuses on the difference between building an online persona or brand versus building you the person/organization. Too many people have a veneer they present to the world. Once we scratch the surface when we interact with that brand or that person we can be disappointed.

There are also brilliant people and awesome brands that don’t realize that their persona is actually hiding the great things about them. Today’s podcast focuses on why we need to build the person, build the organization and forget the veneer.

The post Persona versus People – Getting real in marketing and in life appeared first on Shane Gibson's Podcast – Social Selling – B2B Sales and Influence.