Daily I do Twitter updates on leadership, sales and social media. Last week I did a post on 20 Social Media Tips Under 140 Characters and so I thought this week I would do one on some of my leadership thoughts and principles. These tips have been inspired by John C. Maxwell, Dr. Terry Anderson, […]

The post 20 Leadership Tips Under 140 Characters appeared first on Shane Gibson's Podcast – Social Selling – B2B Sales and Influence.

Daily I do Twitter updates on leadership, sales and social media. Last week I did a post on 20 Social Media Tips Under 140 Characters and so I thought this week I would do one on some of my leadership thoughts and principles. These tips have been inspired by John C. Maxwell, Dr. Terry Anderson, and great mentors such as my father Bill Gibson and great friend Fred Shadian.

Here’s my 20 Leadership Tips Under 140 Characters:

Connect people’s personal values to your mission and they will work with purpose and passion.
If you seek advice from a mentor, be prepared to act upon the directions.
The Ego has been bruised often long before our anger gets the better of us.
Invest in teachable people heavily. Treat them different, give them more opportunities.
Worry less about be recognized as a leader, worry more about recognizing others’ greatness.
Keep growing personally, stay humble, and always know your next step, this will sustain growth.
The team that got you here, might night be the team that is going to get you there.
Teaching is 90% connection and 10% content.
Having your students exceed your abilities is a sign that you are a great leader.
Those that criticize you are not always against you , those that praise you may not really be on your side.
If you look exhausted and stressed don’t be surprised when no one wants to follow your path.
Surround yourself with people that are brilliant in a different way than you are. Mitigate your weaknesses and gaps.
If you think you are leader and no one is following you, you’re actually just going for a walk.
To change your organization you must see it through different eyes.
If you sound like everyone else you might not be a leader.
As a leader you will often feel like you’re on the outside looking in at the world. This is normal, you’re different.
Hire for values and attitude, train for efficiency and skills.
An organization is often a reflection of its leader’s subconscious mind.
The more influence you have the more emotional impact even your smallest actions will have on people.
Leadership is a lifelong pursuit, invest in your personal growth everyday.

The post 20 Leadership Tips Under 140 Characters appeared first on Shane Gibson's Podcast – Social Selling – B2B Sales and Influence.

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