These are social media tips under 140 characters that I have posted on Twitter over the past week or so. For those of you who may have missed some, I have put them into an archived list here on my blog. Add your own tips and comments in the comments section if you would like.  […]

The post 12 Social Media Tips under 140 Characters appeared first on Shane Gibson's Podcast – Social Selling – B2B Sales and Influence.

These are social media tips under 140 characters that I have posted on Twitter over the past week or so. For those of you who may have missed some, I have put them into an archived list here on my blog. Add your own tips and comments in the comments section if you would like.  Here’s my 12 social media tips under 140 characters:

Stay curious and you will stay current.
Momentum is hard to build and easy to lose. When things start to rock… ride the wave and keep pushing.
Have a goal or theme and build a monthly calendar around your social media activities
Crowdsourcing still requires leadership to take ideas and turn them into action. Don’t just create fans, equip leaders.
Fresh valuable content beats perfect outdated content every time. Use tools that help you publish easy and fast.
Understand tools like friendfeed, tumblr, and They can help you syndicate your messaging for maximum reach.
search engine optimization helps people find you. Integrate an SEO plan with your social media plan.
Have a set of guidelines and a social media training program for your staff to ensure that you maximize results.
Being transparent has it’s downsides, make sure you can walk your talk. You’re always on stage.
Evaluate your strategy as if you were looking through your customers eyes. Ask “So What?” a lot
“There is no failure only feedback” – @fredshadian
Create spaces (Ning, Buddypress etc.) for communities to form. Creating positive community is great for business.

The post 12 Social Media Tips under 140 Characters appeared first on Shane Gibson's Podcast – Social Selling – B2B Sales and Influence.

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